This podcast provides analysis on books and bookish news and today, Lisa discusses the antitrust trial happening in August 2022 with the U.S. Government against Penguin Random House. This is part two of the discussion of this high-stakes publishing trial. 

 In the fall of 2020, Penguin Random House announced it was spending $2.18 billion to purchase competitor Simon & Schuster. The U.S. government has sued Penguin Random House, arguing that this deal means fewer authors will be able to earn a living from writing. 

 CNN writes about this lawsuit in this article. The New York Times also reports in great detail about the dispute with Penguin Random House and the government. The Associated Press delves into this trial which is expected to take three weeks. 

One of the first significant speakers was author Stephen King, who described himself as a “freelance writer” in this AP article.

 n the second week of the trial, Macmillan’s CEO spoke about how the deal will harm his firm and the industry, including writers. 

·      In other book news, David McCullough, an award-winning, best-selling author, died at 89. Lisa discusses some of his books.


For more information, find Lisa on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and her website.