Show Notes

Lisa and her guest avid reader Faith Eck have a fun and musical conversation about  Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. 

 This is an extraordinarily popular book and received many positive attributes. This article in the New York Times discusses the aspect of writing the lyrics. 

 Books Discussed: 

 The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews

 Factory Girls by Michelle Gallen

 Stevie Nicks – Visions, Dreams & Rumours by Zoe Howe

 Play On: Now, Then, and Fleetwood Mac: The Autobiography by Mick Fleetwood and Anthony Bozza

 This Bird Has Flown: The Enduring Beauty of Rubber Soul, Fifty Years on to Collections by John Kruth

For more information, find Lisa on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and her website.

 *The book titles mentioned include affiliate links. You can support the podcast by purchasing a book with the links because the podcast receives a small commission.